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Cyberpunk Games

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   Title: William Shatner's TekWar
   Year: 1995
   Developer: Capstone Software   
   Publisher: Capstone Software   
   Platform: PC DOS   
   Genre: Shooter   
The premise details an ex-cop who is hired to be a hitman whose mission is to exterminate drug dealers who peddle "tek". The two most distinguishable features are the hub-based level system (all the levels are interconnected by a subway station), and the fact that all of the NPCs in the game (enemies, policemen and civilians) are shootable. When the player draws his gun, policemen shout: "Freeze! Drop your gun!" before they start shooting at the player. When a policeman or enemy is killed, their ammo can be picked up. When the player aims at a civilian, he/she ducks and screams: "Please, don't shoot!" When any NPC is shot, a blood spot appears on the wall behind it. If an NPC is shot with one of the stronger weapons in the game, they will explode into gory bits.
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