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Cyberpunk Books

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Found 2 entries
   Title: Cyberpunk 2077: Psycho Squad (#1)
   Year: TBA
   Category: Comics Series   
   Series: Cyberpunk 2077: Psycho Squad
   Author: Dan Watters   Giada Marchisio   Kieran McKeown   Frank Cvetkovic   
   Publisher: Dark Horse   
MaxTac, one of the deadliest and most controversial forces in Night City, is deployed against a corpo netrunner turned cyberpsycho. The squad’s eliminate the target and save lives, but the scene is unlike anything they’ve encountered! With the building on lockdown, the psycho has the facilities and its occupants wired for destruction!
   Title: Limbo
   Year: 2015
   Category: Comics Series   
   Author: Dan Watters   Caspar Wijngaard   
   Publisher: Image   
A detective with no memory, no identity and no manners. A femme fatale seeking escape from a powerful crime lord. A voodoo queen with a penchant for mixtapes and hi-tops. A goat-eating TV... Welcome to Dedande City, where good people check under their beds at night and reality is never quite what it seems. A NEW surreal neon-noir series crossing 50s pulp with an 80s VHS visual aesthetic drawing from the likes of Carpenter, Cronenbrg, and Lynch.
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