Plot: |
The second film, Case.2 First Guardian, focuses on enforcer Teppei Sugo, who was formerly a respected military officer. He acted as the eye-in-the-sky air support for a ground squad of marines alongside Itsuki Otomo, another pilot and a communications officer. Together, they formed a tight military family, including Itsuki’s wife Rin who was the squad's ground commander. The squad was sent on a military strike outside Japan, but Sugo loses Itsuki during the fight. Sugo is devastated by this loss and tortured over why he was ordered to abandon his squad mates. He is confronted by MWPSB officers Aoyanagi and Masaoka who inform him that he is a suspect in a terrorist attack that is apparently been performed by his MIA squad commander, Itsuki. They discover that the military was testing a bio weapon against the enemy, which also killed the rest of the strike team. Itsuki knew about the attack beforehand and left his memories in an android to extract vengeance, but it is stopped by the Bureau forces. Rin attempts to assassinate the military commander but he kills her instead. However, the Bureau marks the commanding officer for high psycho-pass and terminates him. Following these events, Sugo's level of stress increases and he eventually becomes an enforcer in the MWPSB.