Plot: |
Escaping underground, Peter discovers a dying Oswald, who is on his last legs after a harrowing escape from a prison on Governors Island. Before dying, Oswald tells Peter that he must go to Alaska and complete the mission that Oswald failed. After Peter arrives in Alaska, he discovers that the government is being run by a dystopian artificial intelligence, whose only concern is keeping the world tidy and in order, and has slowly begun to erase evidence of its existence. The computer also reveals that it has been watching Peter for a long time, and that it engages in massive social manipulation, having been several of the online friends he has. It further threatens Peter that if it is deactivated, it will launch a set of nuclear weapons, including one at Peter's home. Peter successfully shuts down the computer system, and manages to abort the launches. In the epilogue, Peter's computer pops up with a message from an online contact, asking if Peter wants to be friends.